Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile
Atti convegni e Pubblicazioni
Pubblicazioni e atti di convegni 2021
Magnani, P. Fabbri, E. Leoni, E. Salernitano, F. Mazzanti - New Perspectives on Zirconia Composites as Biomaterials - Journal of Composites Science, 2021, Vol.5, pp.244-259
Strafella, E. Salernitano, F. Bezzi, T. Delise, E. Leoni, G. Magnani, A. Dall’Ara, T. Folini, D. Dradi, F. Fontana, N. Minerva - The POREM bio-activator as a solution for degraded soils: the results of first italian trial - Environmental Engineering Management 2021, Vol. 20(10), pp.1673-1681
Strafella, E. Salernitano, F. Bezzi, T. Delise, E. Leoni, G. Magnani, A. Dall’Ara, T. Folini, D. Dradi, F. Fontana, Minerva - The POREM bio-activator for degraded soils: overview of the first Italian production results - Proceedings of the 4th SUN (Symbiosis Users Network) CONFERENCE, “The role of Industial Symbiosis for waste prevention”, Ecomondo 2020, (Marzo 2021), pg 51-55
S. Sau,V. Tripi, A. C. Tizzoni, R. Liberatore, E. Mansi, A. Spadoni, N. Corsaro, M. Capocelli, T. Delise and A. Della Libera - High-Temperature Chloride-Carbonate Phase Change Material: Thermal Performances and Modelling of a Packed Bed Storage System for Concentrating Solar Power Plants - Energies 14.17 (2021): 5339.
Giaconia, C. Tizzoni, S. Sau, N. Corsaro, E. Mansi, A. Spadoni and T. Delise. - Assessment and perspectives of heat transfer fluids for CSP applications. Energies (2021), 14(22), 7486.
Delise, S. Sau, A.C. Tizzoni, A. Spadoni, N. Corsora, R. Liberatore, T. Morabito, E. Mansi - Performance of an Indirect Packed Bed Reactor for Chemical Energy Storage – Materials 14.18 (2021): 5149.
P. Falaschetti, M. Scafé, N. Zavatta, E. Troiani - Hygrothermal Ageing Influence on BVI-Damaged Carbon/Epoxy Coupons under Compression Load - Polymers 2021, 13, 2038
Grandi, S. Caramori, E. Marchini, F. Mazzanti, E. Leoni - Molecular sensitizers for photo-3d printing of ceramic components – Poster con abstract agli atti della “XX Giornata della Chimica dell’Emilia Romagna”, 2021, pag.50
Natali Murri, E. Landi, E. Apollo, C. Bordignon, C. Mingazzini, M. Scafè, V. Medri - Nanostructured inorganic polymer matrices for high temperature resistant fiber reinforced composites - 6th International Virtual Conference of Engineering Against Failure (6th ICEAF), 23-25 Giugno 2021, Book of abstracts p. 156-157
Basso, C. Mingazzini, M. Scafè, E. Leoni, E. Benco, R. Garcia-Etxabe, K. Gondra, D. Pullini - Design of a bonnet of a sport vehicle realized with an innovative recyclable Polymeric Matrix Composite and Virtual characterization of the related structural sandwiches reinforce - 6th International Virtual Conference of Engineering Against Failure (6th ICEAF), 23-25 Giugno 2021, Book of abstracts p. 265
Bassi, M. Scafè, E. Leoni, C. Mingazzini, B. Narayan, A. Rossi - Development of recyclable Fiber Metal Laminates (FMLs), their mechanical characterization and FE modelling, aiming at application to structural aeronautic components - 6th International Virtual Conference of Engineering Against Failure (6th ICEAF), 23-25 Giugno 2021, Book of abstracts p. 277
De Aloysio, L. Laghi, G. Magnani, C. Mingazzini, A. Rinaldi, M. Scafè, P. Fabbri, I. Cañadas Martínez, V. Candelario Leal - Investigation of Thermophysical and Thermomechanical Properties of Highly Porous SiC for Solar Receivers in CSP Plants - 6th International Virtual Conference of Engineering Against Failure (6th ICEAF), 23-25 Giugno 2021, Book of abstracts p. 278
De Aloysio, M. Morganti, L. Laghi, M. Scafè, E. Leoni, C. Mingazzini, S. Bassi - Characterisations in expected working environments of recyclable fire resistant materials - 6th International Virtual Conference of Engineering Against Failure (6th ICEAF), 23-25 Giugno 2021, Book of abstracts p. 279